Hello 2019…What ya got in store?

Here we are a new year is upon us again. Did you make a resolution? Will you follow it…….and……..for how long?

I did make a resolution this year, to continue to remember that someones opinion about me is none of my business. There isn’t a thing I can do about it. I’m not walking in their shoes, and they aren’t walking in mine. As long as their is respect, you can expect nothing and appreciate everything.

Here is what I know…….
Be the best you can be! It’s all you can do!

Is 80% right?

I recently had a conversation with one of my guy friends at the gym. Matt’s perspective on dating is interesting. He has shared a few of his stories in the world of dating from his point of view. He’s a lay it out as he sees it kinda of guy. To concerned once upon a time ago what others thought about him, trying to impress women only to discover, he wasn’t impressed. He was to a point in his life with dating that he was just over it. To many games, to many not confident enough in themselves. To many full of drama, to many who didn’t have goals. Just to many that shouldn’t be out there dating, until they fixed themselves. That’s when Matt decided to just that for himself. He focused more on himself first, not his kids. He discovered the only way he could be good for his his kids, was to be good to himself first. He had to be the priority, not his kids. Once he found acceptance with himself and felt himself change in a way that was comfortable for him, he liked who he discovered. Truly a better him

He has since found love again and is engaged. He tells me 80% of men don’t approach women. We are to scared, nervous, get anxiety about it, are afraid of rejection, don’t want to show their vulnerability. What ever that is, 80% of men just don’t approach women. Interesting perspective, so at least there is 20% who do approach women, right? Of course, those men who are confident, what % of them are real? Not just full of themselves. I suppose we could put women into this category, however what would the % be? Today women are more straight forward. The % may be different…….just a bit. Regardless this leaves me in wonder, will those who are single, remain single because of this?

Here is what I know………

If you want to approach someone, just do it. After all…………………………….. their opinion about you is none of your business.


Why is it when we think we have truly let go, we find ourselves there again? What is it about the subject that draws us back in? Wanting and needing to let something/someone go isn’t as easy as one may think it is.
If it resurfaces it’s like a sign to revisit the situation. Or is it?

A friend shared with me recently finding themselves thinking, wanting, and needing, someone from their past. They had let this person go a long time ago. However found themselves thinking about this person all the time. When they reached out, the person wasn’t always receptive. Which should have been sign #1, if someone is interested in you, they will show it, they will respond to you, they will make what’s called an effort.

They would often get together do things, hang out, but nothing more then that. Knowing this persons past my friend knew they just weren’t in the same space. Sign #2 they were working through their storms. When someone has storms happening in their season, we need to let those work through the storms. How would they be good for anyone? aaaaaa……they can’t be, if you are not good for yourself, how can you be good for anyone?

Sign #3 stop thinking just because you hear the persons name it’s a sign, just because you find yourself in a scenario like one you might have been in with someone, it’s not a sign to reach out. Life has chapters, we have read and go through each chapter in order for us to get to the end of the book to start the next.

Here is what I know…….
Expect nothing, appreciate everything.