Much the same…….

Sure feels like it.  Except one area, being stronger about “Much the same”…….. When we hope for something for so long…. And it takes just as long to get there. You find when it presents itself to you……It’s really “Much the same”……… No fault of our own. Simply it’s what we feel, need, want and have to have. Yet if it’s still “Much the same”. Why would want to put ourselves through it again??????????

People, relationships, being honest, being real, sharing our truths, lying, putting on a good show, playing a game…………How is it we find much the same?  We can’t fault someone for being honest, we can’t fault someone who can open up and share.  Do we fault someone for lying, putting on a good show, playing a game, NO… We call them out on it, we make sure they know how it makes us feel. Their actions in this area, shows who they really are. Do we want that type in our lives? No….

Here is what I know…………..

Our time is worth more, our self worth is our credibility, when someone steps on that, it brings us down to their level. STOP doing that! Let them go……. Even through the power of Wisdom, we fall short, but sensibility will catch up, and you will know…  You are worth it!

When you least expect it…….

Things do fall into play. When our lives are balanced amazing things happen.

Life is most certainly not always a  bed of rose’s, butterflies and rainbows. What it is………… life!…………… I ponder the life a friend went through over the past 3 years and all the life that they have lived and it’s been a storm of misery…….a storm of professional hell………..a storm of personal anguish…………………… a storm of physical aliments………… a storm of support and love from family and friends…………a storm of happiness………. It’s been a storm of life……………….. It’s not drama……. it was a storm of life. Most would look at it and think, wow she has had a lot of drama in the past 3 years………………………………………………
Yea no…. It’s just a lot of life happening all at once. Some people can barely handle one thing at a time, let alone 2 or 3 maybe even 4 things going on at once.

And……so………………… when a lot of life happened all at once, they  knew they would and could find a way to power through.  They knew they had to take a step back from the storm of things and put it in the back seat so to speak. So they could manage what they could handle. This meant they stepped out of the social settings that they do enjoy, not just personally but professionally. This meant to pull back and really pay attention to those they  surrounded themselves with. wash away the negative, the drama, the upsetting nature of some’s very existence…. This meant to show their children they are strong…….. They will find a way to get the major life that was happening during this time and proceed……….onward………..with more life…..

Here is what I know, When you least expect it……….Embrace what comes your way. It may not always be what you expect it to be. It usually never is.
That is where you will disappoint yourself. Keep it real, always keep it real! Be hopeful and know that everything happens for a reason. We are all connected somehow. Remember that blog

And so…………When presented with balance in our lives we must take that much needed time out…. Open up that window…………and let our souls fly free

Foolish thinking……Do we fool ourselves?

Into hoping it’s more then what it is? Perhaps we do  just that. Fool ourselves into thinking something is more then what it really is. Why do we do this? Could it be simply it’s what our heart wants, and we can’t help but hope the other is sensing, feeling the exact same way? Could it be that we are to fearful of the outcome if we do come right out and ask…. Is this more to this then what is on the surface? Could it be that we finally want, not that we need it, but want something more and are unsure how to approach the subject with said other?

In whatever type of relationship you are having, it’s really important to keep it real, keep it real, and keep it real! So why are we afraid to share, ask and expect a simple real answer? Unfortunately in this day and age it’s a number of reasons. You have a 50/50 chance that the other is on the same page that you are on. You have the chance that the other is not seeking anything more then what it, sex, so called friendship, blah, blah blah. You have a chance that once you open up to the other, they aren’t quite where you are at, but are open to the idea of it all. With any of those, you have a chance of emotions coming to surface and you need to find away to manage them.

I’m pretty sure we all read into what is put in front of us in some way shape or form. Does this make us Foolish?  We take what people tell us, and consider it honesty,  being open, being adult. Yet there are times, that is is all pulled away from us, because of misrepresentation . This of course comes on many levels.  We wonder why some are jaded. We wonder why some hold so much in and burst at the flames when they can’t take it in anymore.  We wonder how someone can do this to each other. When in reality isn’t all we want in the long run is to be heard, to be respected, to be ourselves, to not feel judgement, to always be able to keep it real?

Here is what I know…….

I have mentioned this a few times before, just keep it real.

When you keep it real with yourself, you keep it real with everyone around you. We are better humans by keeping it real.

Remember growing up, what you were taught… Simple things… It doesn’t have to difficult. KISS (Keep it simple silly)…  Be nice to each other. Use your manners. Say please and thank you. Be gracious and understanding, listen, don’t just hear what someone is saying, listen to them. You might learn more then you realize if you just listen.

So what I know………. is Foolish thinking is OK…. Just know what is real and what is not. Foolish thinking is your clouded mind pondering the wonder that is your moment, with or without someone, it’s moments we ponder and ponder hard about. Doesn’t make us Foolish……It makes us more aware….