
In the midst of the sadness, negativity and the unknown today 2 America Astronauts raced through the skies on a journey, that we all get to watch right along with them. Rather than express what this means to the United States. I’d like to share what today’s launch meant to me.

Not only did Sofia and I enjoy the wonder that is Mark Rober I was able to see my small tall mini me watch a dream of hers, the Falcon 9 launch safely into space from American soil. One day she would like to be a part of these organizations NASA 360 SpaceX

Her hope is to build these spaceships, to be one who will sore through space one day. Making a difference, being proud of where she came from. What she’s learned. The drive and the spirit to want to know and understand more SpaceX NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration this young lady wants to make an impact, and difference in our world even if its out there somewhere in space.

And although she is missing so much ( her FIRST Robotics Team 93: N.E.W. Apple Corps and friends).as so many of our future generation are. She didn’t get to miss this amazing moment today in American history. I didn’t miss it either. Watching Sofia’s gaze as Falcon 9 launched towards the skies was pure Joy.

Here is what I know….
Let’s not forget where we are, where we came from and mostly where we can go. The journey can be infinate. Don’t miss the opportunity..…/science/spacex-launch-nasa.amp.html

Are you calm? Are you making good choices?

It’s a really simple question. In these times we need to be. We need to educate, advocate, understand, your surroundings, be positive, do what is right! Be calm and make good choices!

If you can find a away to make someone’s day, safely, then do it! We all . need a reach out in these times! We have to be there for each other more then ever. Although this to shall pass, take a moment to do a simple action, reach out by checking in on your family, your community members. Simply make a phone call, a video message/chat, a text message, an email, sidewalk chalk messages, simple actions like this show you care. Be kind, treat people with kindness, each of us needs a little more of this.

Here is what I know….. Embrace your surroundings, be positive and share that with all of those around you, in a safe way! Simple actions, speak louder then words. Be safe friends, be calm, make good choices, wash your hands and often. We will power through!

The struggle is so real…

The struggle is so real…… Here we go….. As we hope for real in our lives, sometimes the real is life and all that comes with it. Some good, some not so good, some that is completely unexpected. Enter the struggle with it all. We think life shouldn’t be so challenging, things shouldn’t be so hard, walking our path will have it’s struggles.

However when they are unexpected it takes a toll on our spirits, and can spin it in a way you didn’t think it might. Because we are suppose to be strong, independent, on track, positive, focused. Yet that unexpected takes over and your emotions are just flooded with more then you can handle.

A good friend of mine shared with me his struggles. As he shared what was going on with his life, his marriage, his children, his work, I could see he is on the brink of a break through from the negative. But still struggling with how things fell apart, where and when it happened. Yes he deserves answers. But what I shared with him was so simple and put a smile on his face. I said to him to stop wondering the why’s of it all and start focusing on the change within. Look deep into himself, see the good, the bad and the ugly and find the change. It’s there you just have to have a little faith in yourself.

He was grateful for the “what I know” soap box, and told me you are right, every little thing is going to be alright….

Here is what I know… Take comfort in you… What you are capable of, what your abilities will allow you to do and where your spirit, your mind and your heart can take you! Just “Be Still” it will happen…..You will see….

The past….The present…..The Future

The past, the present, the future…….. It’s like a revolving door, they all come back around. What we thought was in our past, presents it’s self again and presses us think about the future.  Recently someone shared a story with me about just this. She felt/feels she is between a rock and a hard place. She most definitely knows she has to let the past go, and just live in the present and let the future happen. As hard as it was, she knew if he really wanted to be there after all this time, he would maybe find a way. Maybe they will cross paths yet once again. I mean in the 5 years they  knew of each other, timing got in their way, each time their paths crossed something was in the way. Yet this last time is different, very different. All she can do is let it play out, being mindful of pressure, pushing, being sensitive to the situation. Just let it play out.

Here is what I know…….

Sometimes we just have to let things go and be OK with that. We just have to wait and see what the path offers.  Even if it means loosing what was, what is and what could be. We just can’t wait around, for someone, anyone. Time is the best gift we can give ourselves and anyone. So we have to keep moving on into our days and embrace what life has presented to us.

Damned if we do, Damned if we don’t….

Why is it when we step into it again (dating, seeking a partner), we are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t? We find ourselves riddled with curiosity of where someone’s mind set is. We want what we want, we feel what we need, we know what’s important to ourselves. Life is challenging enough, let alone seeking our mate…….partner in crime……..our special someone, love….. Why is this such a challenge?

It comes right down to timing… As we grow into our age’s we tend to settle into what we know, our routine, our habits, the what we know of our  lives. For those who have been single get into this, and when someone we are interested in steps into the light. We try and see how we can make their routine, their habits, their what they know’s work with ours. Not as easy as one would think. Sure we should give, take, and of course that wonderful word called compromise. That word that life is really all about, in order for us to make sense of our surroundings, we have to  find that compromise, so life isn’t full of drama.

What is frustrating mostly at times about all this is when we cross paths with someone that we feel is our match. We start to try them on.  Understanding where they are coming from. So we ask questions, we ponder many things about them, but not as to be needy, stalker like, or a crazy person. Simply we want to know them. We find in discovery of it all that 1 thing may, or may not hold them back. Yet if this 1 thing holds them back from moving forward, were they really in it to win it? Even though they share, they find time for you, they show action. There is the chemistry, there is the connection, there is the possibly of more…Yet this 1 thing makes them decide they just can’t be a part of your like mindedness. they shut the door. Yet this 1 thing that the other is willing to discuss, talk about, find compromise in, but the other is sound on their decision. What do we do, reach out, find hope, let go?

Here is what I know…,

Keep putting yourself out there, YOU are worth it…. They may or may not come back..If they don’t you know it wasn’t meant to be.

If they do, you have to simply be still. You have to hear them, they have to hear you, and both needs to listen with their heart.

And perhaps things will be more clear.


Every little thing, is gonna be alright….

So it’s been awhile I know.

Where have I been, you ask?

Simply managing life…

Just when you least expect it, a lot of LIFE happens….  And takes you away from this, that and the other.

Don’t worry though.

Here is what I know….

Stay on the steady path, follow the rules, bring it to zero, feel the force and run the course. Everything little thing is going to be alright!

When you least expect it…….

Things do fall into play. When our lives are balanced amazing things happen.

Life is most certainly not always a  bed of rose’s, butterflies and rainbows. What it is………… life!…………… I ponder the life a friend went through over the past 3 years and all the life that they have lived and it’s been a storm of misery…….a storm of professional hell………..a storm of personal anguish…………………… a storm of physical aliments………… a storm of support and love from family and friends…………a storm of happiness………. It’s been a storm of life……………….. It’s not drama……. it was a storm of life. Most would look at it and think, wow she has had a lot of drama in the past 3 years………………………………………………
Yea no…. It’s just a lot of life happening all at once. Some people can barely handle one thing at a time, let alone 2 or 3 maybe even 4 things going on at once.

And……so………………… when a lot of life happened all at once, they  knew they would and could find a way to power through.  They knew they had to take a step back from the storm of things and put it in the back seat so to speak. So they could manage what they could handle. This meant they stepped out of the social settings that they do enjoy, not just personally but professionally. This meant to pull back and really pay attention to those they  surrounded themselves with. wash away the negative, the drama, the upsetting nature of some’s very existence…. This meant to show their children they are strong…….. They will find a way to get the major life that was happening during this time and proceed……….onward………..with more life…..

Here is what I know, When you least expect it……….Embrace what comes your way. It may not always be what you expect it to be. It usually never is.
That is where you will disappoint yourself. Keep it real, always keep it real! Be hopeful and know that everything happens for a reason. We are all connected somehow. Remember that blog

And so…………When presented with balance in our lives we must take that much needed time out…. Open up that window…………and let our souls fly free