
In the midst of the sadness, negativity and the unknown today 2 America Astronauts raced through the skies on a journey, that we all get to watch right along with them. Rather than express what this means to the United States. I’d like to share what today’s launch meant to me.

Not only did Sofia and I enjoy the wonder that is Mark Rober I was able to see my small tall mini me watch a dream of hers, the Falcon 9 launch safely into space from American soil. One day she would like to be a part of these organizations NASA 360 SpaceX

Her hope is to build these spaceships, to be one who will sore through space one day. Making a difference, being proud of where she came from. What she’s learned. The drive and the spirit to want to know and understand more SpaceX NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration this young lady wants to make an impact, and difference in our world even if its out there somewhere in space.

And although she is missing so much ( her FIRST Robotics Team 93: N.E.W. Apple Corps and friends).as so many of our future generation are. She didn’t get to miss this amazing moment today in American history. I didn’t miss it either. Watching Sofia’s gaze as Falcon 9 launched towards the skies was pure Joy.

Here is what I know….
Let’s not forget where we are, where we came from and mostly where we can go. The journey can be infinate. Don’t miss the opportunity..…/science/spacex-launch-nasa.amp.html

In the moment…..

When something amazing happens, we share… It’s human nature to do so.

A friend shared with me their amazing moment…..

When we work, what do we work for? Who do we work for? Why do we work?

Most of us have the daily routine of our jobs. Most complain, most judge others within their work place.  Most point fingers, and really they are only pointing fingers back at themselves. Why not instead embrace what you do, find the amazing in it.

After days, weeks, months, years, of working smart, finding the amazing in it was the surreal moment, the real game changer in their career, (at least this is how they feel). All a sudden people are paying attention, wanting a piece of what is offered by them.  Being able to use their voice, and use it as a voice for others in a way that is simple. Effectively communicating the drive, the vision, the value,, the mission of the work message.  Most importantly it being heard, on many different platforms is where the “Amazing” moment came from.

Indeed their mission had been talked about and expressed in many different ways.  Yet just most recently it became apparent the mission, the message started becoming more clear to those who opened their eyes, their ears and their hearts. Better understanding that this wasn’t about one person making a difference, it was about the many hands, and voices behind them.

When their plan comes together, all the pieces to the puzzle start to form something magical. Receiving phone calls from people that could change things in their business. Meeting owners of organizations that can help their platform, support from all around. It comes in droves at times, slow one minute, and fast paced the next. It’s all like a chess game, knowing when to make the right move, seeing all the scenarios playing out before it happens, can be the challenge. What makes it all refreshing though is the belief they have within themselves to be heard for others who aren’t able to use their voice to be heard.

All the smart work starting showing signs of paying off.

Here is what I know….

Take a moment to seek your amazing…… work……….in life……… love…… your surroundings.

Embrace the simple……





Practicing patience is one thing, however living patience is another.

When I think about practicing patience, I can’t help but know I am not very good at it……
Or I am?
I might be better at it in a different light.
Maybe I live patience more then I practice it.
There is a connection of the two. But in a different light.
When we put our minds to something, focus on it, visualize it, feel it, understand it……………………..we are living patience.

Here is what I know…

In the past oh I’ll say almost 3 years, I lived patience. In more ways then one. Yet not really thinking about it in those terms.

Living through life……. no……. not drama, Life… Yes living through it, and all that came with it.  Was brought to my own attention today during a pretty significant and most likely one of the most important meetings of my career. I knew that taking the next steps are so critical and I have to be patient about it.  Yet after this meeting, what I realized was I have been living patience through the process’s.  Just looked at it as powering through really. Making the choices that I made that make the most sense all around.

Always knowing I needed to focus on it, visualize it, feel it, understand it, live it, live patience..



When it rains it pours……

When it rains, it pours…Sometimes it comes in droves..Overwhelming us with emotions that some of us aren’t sure how to handle. This could be with just about anything in our lives… Lets talk about Men, Women, Friends, Lovers, Careers, People…

Friends……… People…….Careers……………If we know what we know, why then do others question it? Why then do people feel the need to be in other’s business. if it doesn’t directly relate to you, why do we have to question it and go inside out of ourselves about it. Getting worked up about it, and putting it out there into the universe only leaves you frustrated, upset, angry and beside yourself. Why would you want to do that to………….. yourself?  I believe I have written this before, the only person you have to answer to at the end of the day is yourself. Stay our of other’s business, regardless of your play in it. Leave it to those who are directly involved and step away.  You’ll thank yourself in the long run. You personally don’t need the drama…..

Why does it have to be so complicated? With…….Men…..Women….People……..Friends……Perhaps because we have a connection directly with that person/or people.  Whatever the case may be, when it rains it pours….What do you do about it? When people (who become friends) come into our lives and then poof they disappear, they are gone…We ask ourselves what happened? What did I do wrong? Why is there so much noise with it? I ask why does it matter? Why worry about that, focus more on what you know, what you understand for you. Why not just be still. Just be still……. Surround yourself with those who understand how to separate what they don’t have control of in your life. Which is nothing at all……..

So when an out pour of rain, rain, rain comes trashing down on you/on us just be still… Simply be still….be still…the clouds will clear away, the air will feel fresh and you will be able to put away your umbrella.

