The Wonder of it All!

The Wonder of it All………..

People’s minds, thought process, way of being…. I’m always taking that in. Not so much wondering, just pondering these things. What makes us tick? What makes us think the way we think and why? Is it those who surround us? Is it where we are at the moment? Is is simply our mindset and that is who we are?

Let me explain, recently a good friend of mine found herself challenged with a rage of emotions, ups, downs, a basic shit storm in her life (career, friends, partner, children, an ex, etc). What she pondered the most from it all was that she doesn’t like being alone, and is afraid that is where she is going to end up. Alone.
Aren’t we all afraid of that? Of course, but we can’t let that hinder the possibly of  what lies ahead for us. She is someone who needs to have someone in her life, she doesn’t want it, she needs it. Now we all know our needs and our wants, or do we? Sometimes our judgement gets clouded because of something that happens in our life, bam we are off the track. Some are able to get back on the track. Others just can’t muster the ability to jump back on, it’s to challenging, it’s to difficult, it’s to much for them to handle. Before they know it, their entire life is a shit storm with no end in site, no light at the end of the tunnel. Lost…….alone…..afraid………….

Prioritize, make a list, figure out what you can do now… What do you have control of…… Surprisingly more then we think we do. We just have to believe in ourselves….

I want to at times take her little shoulders and shake her just a little, to see if anything will reconnect again. However I know the best thing for her, is for her to figure it out herself. All I can do is tell her what I know…

So here is what I know… we have to take the challenges, the ups, the downs, the shit storms, that present themselves in our lives and run with them.  Ride the wave, none of us has a crystal ball, we cannot see into future. We can only hope, and take every moment given to us and ride the wave it has become. Stop being afraid of the storm, look it right in the face, don’t let it shake you down. You will come out of it brighter then you can imagine!



