Are Men like Cats…?…

123_1-3Men and cats…………………Are they more like them if we really think about it…

They only come around when they need a pet. Or when they need attention. Or when it’s on their time. They expect so much in a short period of time so their motors get running so loud it becomes annoying…… Without any regards to our own motors….  Come on we have them to and they need petting, attending and time as well…

What is that all about?

Now I am sure in the same sense men will say well women are like……. Help me out here, we are like…….. (Fill in the blank)_______________________.
And why do you feel we are like this? Regina’s inquiring mind wants to know! Help me help others understand this…….

Back to my point…..

Why is that the coming about is when it’s convenient for him in the case to those who are single? Could be a few things. Maybe some have misrepresented themselves. Perhaps we give them a short show of what we know they like. Then after we have them in our season, that show gets canceled and we still expect the same outcome. Or is it simply they are afraid?

So let’s see misrepresenting yourself, here’s a hint, STOP DOING THAT!! You are only going to be found out in the long run. Both men and women do this, I can never understand why someone would want to do this to themselves. All it does is lead someone down a path of wanting to run the minute they meet you. Be yourself, find the inner you and stick with. Don’t stray from it, it’s who you are! Else you will find yourself very much alone and wonder what you are doing wrong. At the end of the day the only person you have to answer to is yourself. Stop right now, go to the closet mirror and look deep into your eyes. Clearly.. Do you like what you see, do you like how you feel? If not, take a good long look and find out why…… You’ll thank me…

Next the short show. We find out what someone likes, enjoys, even a fantasy.. then we run with it… Once we have them in our web, some feel there is no need for the show. Really? What is wrong with people, if you are going to put on a show, turn on the TV, and watch the reruns…. The show we present ourselves in to those around us is one we live with everyday. Don’t be afraid to have it on all the time! Seriously if you like, love, and enjoy who you are, then your show should be turned on ALWAYS!  Sometimes the episode isn’t the best, that is simply because well we are human and life happens. And that’s OK.. HOWEVER with the right participants the show can be uplifted to something outside the crappy episode.

Being afraid… aren’t we all? It’s an emotion that some challenge themselves against. Stop doing that. It’s OK to be afraid, scared, what ever you want to call it. It’s part of being human. Here is what I know, some have such a hard time opening up, expressing themselves, effectively communicating what they want to say. I have fallen short in the past on this. The key is to learn from it. It’s OK to let others know how you feel, what bothers you about something they might have said, or have done. It’s OK to tell someone (men) they have great socks (yes Regina likes a man in nice happy socks). or tell a women how great she looks. Or let someone know, that you don’t like how they handled a situation they might have been a part of.
Why do we worry so much about judgement? We answer to ourselves, no one else. Yet we find ourselves in such a judgmental world. Be OK with what you believe in, stop worrying about what others think. At the end of the day you answer only to you!

Ok back to… Are Men Like Cats? Sometimes.. No, not always, just sometimes… When they come put their head in your lap they want to be there, even for a short period of time. When they nussle you, they want to be there, even for a short period of time. When they follow you around, they want to be there, even for a short period of time. Isn’t some time better then no time at all? Absolutely.

And so here is what I  know…..

Keep it real, always, keep it real…….


P.S. Tell what you think Women are like? And why, I can’t wait to read what might be thought of out there. Now all I ask is to be gracious.. No need to bash and bad mouth…. Just keep it real….

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