Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Can’t we all just get along?

So here we are a year and a half into a pandemic. The world seems to have come to a halt still. Mostly the US, WHY? hummmm Control? Money? Control? Money? Yes I believe I hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately what this has done, and continues to do is divide us. Everyone is right. Everyone is wrong. We have the right to choose our stance on topics. No one can take that away from us. So why is it happening, here in America, a FREE country? Contol, Money, Control, Money. Simple as that!

The divide this has brought our world is truly a sad time for us all.

Here is what I know……. Be kind, listen, keep quite, be respectful, mostly Be Still!

Pay attention…

We are in a different world today. What is it though that many don’t understand? Why are so many being so combative? The situation is serious, and could potentially get worse before it gets better. The question is WHY are so many not following the rules? We have been given them (RULES) what is it that so many don’t ‘get?

We have to look at the science in all this, not the political side, not someone’s uneducated side, not someone’s harsh negative spouting side. We need to understand the science side and really pay attention to the why’s and the what’s of it all.

We all have STRONG onions about what is going on. We all want to get back to life as we know it. We all want normalcy. However unless we pay attention to the SCIENCE of it all we will simply run in a circle. Who wants to run in a circle about anything? Why would you want to?

Here is what I know…..
Take the round about way of thought. You have 4, 5, 6, etc. exits to jump on and see where it will take you. You can always jump back into the round about and exit another way. It may be better for you, if not, then another exit will be. The path we take is ours to take, we all make choices at times that aren’t the best……. But…….You have to keep trying….

Never say can’t, because you always CAN. Just try.

Stay safe, be calm, make good choices and wash your hands and often.

Educate, Advocate, and DO!

As we all sit, wait, think, grieve, hope and pray one thing we need to remember, Be Calm, Make Good Choice, wash your hands and often. I can’t street this enough from what I know, what I am educating myself with, from all sources readily accessible to me. I want to be in the know, so I can find some peace and comfort for my well being. Advocating what is important, washing your hands and often. If you can give support do, if you can’t it’s ok. This is where our communities need to pull together to power through!

Let’s talk about what’s most important! Stay connected to your family, your friends, the world of social media surrounds us now is the time to use it! STAY HOME! But be connected, and reach out to your people! Let others know they matter, pass words of wisdom, SMILE, LAUGH, because this too shall pass. We are all in this together, we can and will power through. But we need to STAY HOME. We need to follow the rules, just like we did when we were kindergartners. It is that simple!

Here is what I know, as I have mentioned before, we need to be Be Calm, Make Good Choices, wash your hands and often. This too shall pass. Smile, laugh, live your best life, because you CAN!

As we start another day…

Take a moment today and think about our future generation. These soon to be young adults lives are in a spin. A whole new set of rules laid out in front of them. With the expectation that this is the “new normal”. As most adults we find the ways to adapt. The years of experiences we have had, brings us to make choices. Some good, some bad, some dumb, some smart, some questionable, whatever the choice is, we adults with years of experience know we have to adapt in certain situations. Our future generation is still learning this, and for them now, will have to learn it sooner then later.

Our future generation will have to manage their emotions on a whole new level, and it will something they will never forget this time. We are in a time were we can help them walk down a new path, learn a new way, understand distance in a new way, communicate their emotions without repercussions, living their best life as best they can right now. This is the “new normal”. This will be just as challenging, hard, difficult, maddening on them as it will be to we the adults who have years more experience and better understand how to adapt. We need to help our future generation adapt at their pace, at their understanding, our future generation needs us to help them, as much as they can help us.

Here is what I know…. Communicate effectively, be kind, smile and know this to shall pass and tomorrow is another day!

Stop….. Just STOP.

People, need to Stop, just STOP already. Not everything you read is going to make sense, or be true, or be right, or is real. SO STOP taking everything with a grain of salt. And do what we all can do together, LISTEN, simply LISTEN, shut your MOUTH’s and LISTEN. We are all reading to much into what is being put our in front of us.

Not being educated is effecting so many who aren’t paying attention, who aren’t doing one simple thing, that is to just LISTEN. Take in ALL what you hear, what you read, and LISTEN to it all, help yourself better understand on so many more levels then what you see and HEAR. There is a big difference between Hearing and Listening. I choose to LISTEN. It’s ok not to know it all, it’s ok to ask questions, it’s ok to want to be in the know. It’s what makes our curiosity grow and wonder. We can all be better people for it. Respect where others are coming from, they deserve it like you do.

Here is what I know…….. It takes a MIGHTY human to sit and LISTEN! Let’s practice that together!

Be Calm and Make Good Choices!

Here we are in a state I never thought I would experience. It’s almost movie like, each day it plays out more and more. We have no idea what and why and when and how this will all play out, until we let it. So with that, Be Calm and Make Good Choices people! Don’t fall into panic or choas. This to shall pass and we will all be stronger from it. Pulling together as a sensible people should. We need to take things seriously, stop pointing fingers, stop blaming, just STOP. Instead LISTEN, simply listen, pay attention, be CALM and make GOOD choices. We are in this together people, no one is excused from this situation. So with that……..

Here is what I know………….. Be Calm and Make Good Choices!

Interesting Hallmark…

Don’t you feel sometimes you are living and breathing a Hallmark movie? ……….Come on….. you know you have at one time or another. Being the worst Hallmark Movie ever. Yet you got through it.

A few friends of mine shared their Hallmarks with me. A couple of them single, a couple of them married…………both being in very different places in their lives as far as relationships……….wanting one……..and/or……… staying as far away as possible from it as the other could. And another friends relationship is on steady waters……….
Both in need of education of needs and wants………
Leaving dismay, questions, life, love in a little bit of a storm AKA
Their Season and Reason.

None of this is rocket science my friends. It’s simple words of expression, you know Communication….effective Communication!

Being single myself I completely understand all of this! Being in these seasons in my life and trying to figure out what to do. Will it make sense if I do it this way, or better that way? What if there is judgement? Will others think it’s drama? With all this turmoil of thought………….why would anyone want such a Hallmark? Why……..because we are human, we are meant to be with someone. It’s really OK to admit this. It’s best to actually communicate this concept. The challenge here, is the one you want to communicate with, are they open to it? Most are not, for fear of hearing the honest truth. Most just can’t handle the truth because it means looking in the mirror. Finding themselves in a space of their life they might not be to pleased with and have never figured out how to manage it….so it’s less painful.

The downside is most just don’t know how to/or understand how to communicate effectively. They’ve most likely never been given such an opportunity………………their shining moment to do just that………..effectively communicate!
So they judge….they question…..they aren’t honest……….open………….or even true to themselves. Those individuals are those who loose themselves in a cloud running in circles only seeing the same result. Because they are challenged with changing this cycle…………………….they will continue to run in the same circles only seeing the same results………..

Here is what I know…..
Communication is KEY in any and all relationships. Stop thinking otherwise. Even if it hurts you, angers you, makes you want to pull the hair out of your head or gives you great feelings of joy, laughter, love….. It is the key to magic that lies ahead. You just have to try……and try again……..and maybe some more…..

Just try……. You’ll feel better knowing that you did. Maybe not right off the bat…….but you will.

Hello 2019…What ya got in store?

Here we are a new year is upon us again. Did you make a resolution? Will you follow it…….and……..for how long?

I did make a resolution this year, to continue to remember that someones opinion about me is none of my business. There isn’t a thing I can do about it. I’m not walking in their shoes, and they aren’t walking in mine. As long as their is respect, you can expect nothing and appreciate everything.

Here is what I know…….
Be the best you can be! It’s all you can do!

Is 80% right?

I recently had a conversation with one of my guy friends at the gym. Matt’s perspective on dating is interesting. He has shared a few of his stories in the world of dating from his point of view. He’s a lay it out as he sees it kinda of guy. To concerned once upon a time ago what others thought about him, trying to impress women only to discover, he wasn’t impressed. He was to a point in his life with dating that he was just over it. To many games, to many not confident enough in themselves. To many full of drama, to many who didn’t have goals. Just to many that shouldn’t be out there dating, until they fixed themselves. That’s when Matt decided to just that for himself. He focused more on himself first, not his kids. He discovered the only way he could be good for his his kids, was to be good to himself first. He had to be the priority, not his kids. Once he found acceptance with himself and felt himself change in a way that was comfortable for him, he liked who he discovered. Truly a better him

He has since found love again and is engaged. He tells me 80% of men don’t approach women. We are to scared, nervous, get anxiety about it, are afraid of rejection, don’t want to show their vulnerability. What ever that is, 80% of men just don’t approach women. Interesting perspective, so at least there is 20% who do approach women, right? Of course, those men who are confident, what % of them are real? Not just full of themselves. I suppose we could put women into this category, however what would the % be? Today women are more straight forward. The % may be different…….just a bit. Regardless this leaves me in wonder, will those who are single, remain single because of this?

Here is what I know………

If you want to approach someone, just do it. After all…………………………….. their opinion about you is none of your business.