Pay attention…

We are in a different world today. What is it though that many don’t understand? Why are so many being so combative? The situation is serious, and could potentially get worse before it gets better. The question is WHY are so many not following the rules? We have been given them (RULES) what is it that so many don’t ‘get?

We have to look at the science in all this, not the political side, not someone’s uneducated side, not someone’s harsh negative spouting side. We need to understand the science side and really pay attention to the why’s and the what’s of it all.

We all have STRONG onions about what is going on. We all want to get back to life as we know it. We all want normalcy. However unless we pay attention to the SCIENCE of it all we will simply run in a circle. Who wants to run in a circle about anything? Why would you want to?

Here is what I know…..
Take the round about way of thought. You have 4, 5, 6, etc. exits to jump on and see where it will take you. You can always jump back into the round about and exit another way. It may be better for you, if not, then another exit will be. The path we take is ours to take, we all make choices at times that aren’t the best……. But…….You have to keep trying….

Never say can’t, because you always CAN. Just try.

Stay safe, be calm, make good choices and wash your hands and often.

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