Practicing patience is one thing, however living patience is another.

When I think about practicing patience, I can’t help but know I am not very good at it……
Or I am?
I might be better at it in a different light.
Maybe I live patience more then I practice it.
There is a connection of the two. But in a different light.
When we put our minds to something, focus on it, visualize it, feel it, understand it……………………..we are living patience.

Here is what I know…

In the past oh I’ll say almost 3 years, I lived patience. In more ways then one. Yet not really thinking about it in those terms.

Living through life……. no……. not drama, Life… Yes living through it, and all that came with it.  Was brought to my own attention today during a pretty significant and most likely one of the most important meetings of my career. I knew that taking the next steps are so critical and I have to be patient about it.  Yet after this meeting, what I realized was I have been living patience through the process’s.  Just looked at it as powering through really. Making the choices that I made that make the most sense all around.

Always knowing I needed to focus on it, visualize it, feel it, understand it, live it, live patience..



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