
Just when you weren’t looking, the sign you needed happens right in front of you.

When we are walking the path of life, there are times that we ask our higher power for a sign. For what ever it is, for what ever it is we are going through. Just a simple sign is all we want. Even better when it does make it’s presences known we recognize it as well. The SIGN we were or were not looking for………. What do we then do with that sign? How then do we take what is going on around us and make sense of it? Especially if we are wise enough to be still about it.

A good friend shared with me about just this subject.. She got a SIGN….a sign she didn’t even ask for. Once it presented itself to her, it hit her like a brick.
She had been seeing someone for a time now, and when it came to having to step aside and allow for the space between. She could have been a typical female, freaked out, blah…..blah……blah… No.. She just looked at it only 2 ways…………..are we still a couple…………………………..are we not still a couple…..  Not to put pressure on her mate. She knew enough to give him the space he needed to sort out some of Life’s happenings. I do believe I have mentioned this before…. Life happens and sometimes a lot of Life for some…………and all at once.  It can be overwhelming to say the least. We have all been there, we have….. We just need to be better at accepting what is right in front of us, allow it to unfold..

And so they were presented with cross roads….Nothing that was going on in each of their lives, had anything to do with their relationship.  It just so happened so much Life was happening all around each of them at once. It was to much for one, and more then enough for the other.  Yet through it all their was an understanding of the let’s take a step back… Let’s have some space to get our lives back on the path that they were walking down together. As hard, challenging, and sad as it was, this is what was needed. (Can I just say here, this is what being adult is all about. Simply not pressuring someone into time with you, when they can’t even figure out time for themselves.  Let alone what Life was happening around them. Be adult to see that, understand that, offer what you can, emotional and mental support,  simply just be there for them. With no pressure.)

To many are to quick to say forget it, they need to get their life in order, they have to much drama…….. People let’s get one thing straight, again I am sure you have read this from me before. Life is not Drama!!!! It’s Life and sometimes when it happens, we can’t focus on anything other then the 10 minutes in front of us.  Stop the judgement already and just simply be supportive…..

What she told him was this, she understood he needed to handle what was going on. That she should be the last on his list, again because what was going on with him has nothing to do with their relationship. She knows this…. And was able to tell him this. She also told him she cares for him, and knows she needs to be still…………………….step aside and let him get through the Life that was happening with him…. And when he was ready to reach out, to please do….. She knows she has to be still and let things play out…… And hope that he will find his way back to her…..

Now with all that…………………..Time has and is passing by… Very little communication has happened between them since they had their conversation… It was left open, no good bye, no let’s take a break, no I am not in the right place in my life, nothing of this was spoken in their conversation…….. Hence the bit of floundering is being felt on her side. Now opportunity is presenting itself to her…. Noise is a better way to put it… But all a sudden it’s like the noise knows she is vulnerable and not sure at all where their relationship is at. Enter the noise.  One bit of noise presented itself so much so, that she wondered if she should just give into temptation, and was this yet another test she was going through?  Just when temptation could have happened, it was interrupted, within minutes…. After temptation and the test was gone, she sat back took a deep breath and knew that was a sign. If she ever could have one presented to her.this was it. She took it as a sign, a sign to continue to be still…… And be OK with it! There is no hurry in anything…. Even though opportunity has knocked at her door a few times…….. The one sign that hit hard, was this sign…………… She may never hear from him again…… If she does she knows she needs to sort her thoughts out… Communicate effectively…………………… That is all she can do.

Here is what I know…


Interesting sometimes when that happens in Life………………….Signs……………………Timing……….. If you are wise enough to recognize it, and even wiser when you know to read the sign and let things unfold….. Do just that… Open up your window and let your soul fly free……



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