When it rains it pours……

When it rains, it pours…Sometimes it comes in droves..Overwhelming us with emotions that some of us aren’t sure how to handle. This could be with just about anything in our lives… Lets talk about Men, Women, Friends, Lovers, Careers, People…

Friends……… People…….Careers……………If we know what we know, why then do others question it? Why then do people feel the need to be in other’s business. if it doesn’t directly relate to you, why do we have to question it and go inside out of ourselves about it. Getting worked up about it, and putting it out there into the universe only leaves you frustrated, upset, angry and beside yourself. Why would you want to do that to………….. yourself?  I believe I have written this before, the only person you have to answer to at the end of the day is yourself. Stay our of other’s business, regardless of your play in it. Leave it to those who are directly involved and step away.  You’ll thank yourself in the long run. You personally don’t need the drama…..

Why does it have to be so complicated? With…….Men…..Women….People……..Friends……Perhaps because we have a connection directly with that person/or people.  Whatever the case may be, when it rains it pours….What do you do about it? When people (who become friends) come into our lives and then poof they disappear, they are gone…We ask ourselves what happened? What did I do wrong? Why is there so much noise with it? I ask why does it matter? Why worry about that, focus more on what you know, what you understand for you. Why not just be still. Just be still……. Surround yourself with those who understand how to separate what they don’t have control of in your life. Which is nothing at all……..

So when an out pour of rain, rain, rain comes trashing down on you/on us just be still… Simply be still….be still…the clouds will clear away, the air will feel fresh and you will be able to put away your umbrella.



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