Vulnerable intentions…….

Being single….. aaaa the ups and the downs of it.

Do we care? Do we not care? Why should we bother?

Some like to be single. Some don’t.

It comes down to timing in our lives and what we want to make of it at that time. If we want to have someone be a part of that time. Only thing is, both men and women aren’t always forth right with what they need and what they want.

Those who are single, who put themselves out there, well they have an agenda of sorts.  They are ready to get involved and share their time with someone. They want to learn about them, to get to know them. They are emotionally available, they are ready.

Then there are those who say they are ready, and truly are just out to play a game. For their own benefit. They want to explore all the singleness around them. Play games with other people’s emotions. With no regard to that persons feelings what so ever. Leaving this person hurt, having their vulnerability stepped on. Making them more guarded, more cautious, more bitter.

Here is what I know….

If you are single and are looking for more, be honest, it’s OK to put yourself out there. It’s OK to be cautious and guarded. Allow yourself all that comes with it.

If you are single and are only looking for fun, be honest! Stop wasting people’s time, stop hurting someones vulnerability. It’s just not OK.

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